Since my soul is quite xenophile, as I lived abroad, I like to follow international profiles, especially American ones. I like to let them inspire me, to then interpret their recipes in my own way, and to tell about them in my everyday life.
The kitchen has always been my favourite room of the house, since I was a child. As an adult, I must admit things haven't changed a bit. When I was a child, I used to study in the kitchen, while my mum was cooking. Every now and then, I would take a break from the books, and I would help her. This way, I started to master the art of cooking, to bake cakes for breakfast and to learn by watching my mum prepare our meals.
I love using a surface that is not just beautiful, but also functional. In the field of design, aesthetics and functionality do not always match. I pay great attention to details and aesthetics, but at the same time I love being practical. I often think of “what comes next” and in a kitchen, “what comes next” means cleaning and maintenance activities and wear. Having a beautiful kitchen, that can be used and enjoyed without fearing to ruin it is the best way to live a kitchen.
To be allowed to choose. To be allowed to design and create my own kitchen according to my needs and habits, to live it and enjoy it. To have a kitchen where I don’t just cook, but where I can also sit, sip a cup of tea and have a chat.